Monday, December 21, 2015

A Differentiated Accountability Update

Recently, Amy Williamson, Iowa Department of Education Bureau Chief of School Improvement shared the following power point to understand where we are as a state with moving forward with Differentiated Accountability.

Click here to access the Differentiated Accountability Update ppt

Just a few highlights: 
  • Differentiated Accountability is:
    • Like MTSS for districts, nonpublic schools, and AEAs
    • A way to determine how to allocate resources to improve our state system
    • Done as part of Collaborating for Iowa's Kids (C4K) with AEAs and LEAs
    •  Includes all the Division of Learning and Results
    • Paving the way for ESEA Reauthorization (ESSA)                                 
  • Universal Desk Audits 
    • will be open from September-December
    •  Desk audit for Pre-K is the EC web application
    • All K-12 sites and AEA have received a Google site to upload their documents
    • For Title 1 and Special Education, we are using information we already collect.
    •  Desk audit period closes December 15
    • After review, determine if further audit or citations needed
  • It was determined that for the 2015-2016 pilot year, volunteer districts and nonpublic schools would be provided with Universal, Targeted, or Intensive support based on the following criteria:
    • If a district or nonpublic school was below the intensive cut score in multiple Healthy Indicators or below the cut score for Universal Screening, the district was placed in Intensive Support;
    • If a district or nonpublic school was below the Intensive cut score in one Healthy Indicator (and that indicator was not Universal Screening) the district/school was placed in Targeted Support;
    • If a district or nonpublic schools was not below the intensive cut score in any Healthy Indicator the district/school was placed in Universal Support.

Another Universal Desk Audit Update

As promised, each month, we will focus on 1-2 documents that will be required for the 2016-2017 Universal Desk Audit.  This desk audit will be an examination of documents and records, limited in scope, and conducted off-site, the purpose of which is to determine compliance with state and/or federal requirements.

Impact on our Keystone AEA Schools:  This month we will focus on JH Program, grades 7 and 8.  Schools will be expected to provide evidence of building master schedules or individual teacher schedules.  What might this look like in your district?  Will a master schedule be posted on each building's website?  Will teachers be expected to have up-to-date schedules on their websites?  All great conversations that should be happening in your building.

Below you will find the documents we've highlighted in previous months as well as a link to the entire list of the 2015-2016 Universal Desk Audit Documents.
  • Elementary Program, grades 1-6
  • School Calendars 
  • Annual and Continuous Nondiscrimination Notices
  • Board Policies for Accessibility and Confidentiality of Student Records and Graduation Requirements 
To view the entire list of 2015-2016 Universal Desk Audit Documents, click

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Continuing to Collect Universal Desk Audit Items

As promised, each month, we will focus on 1-2 documents that will be required for the 2016-2017 Universal Desk Audit.  This desk audit will be an examination of documents and records, limited in scope, and conducted off-site, the purpose of which is to determine compliance with state and/or federal requirements.

Impact on our Keystone AEA Schools: This month we will focus on  "Elementary Program, grade 1-6".  Schools will be expected to provide evidence of building master schedules or teacher schedules.  What might this look like in your district?  Will a master schedule be posted on each building's website?  Will teachers be expected to have up-to-date schedules on their websites? 

Below you will find the documents we've highlighted in previous months as well as a link to the entire list of the 2015-2016 Universal Desk Audit Documents.

  •  School Calendars
  •  Annual and Continuous Nondiscrimination Notices
  • Board Policies for Accessibility and Confidentiality of Student Records and Graduation Requirements 

To view the entire list of 2015-2016 Universal Desk Audit Documents, click

Celebrating Great Work

A great article posted on the Iowa Department of Educations website @


Differentiated Accountability in a word: “Fabulous.”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Superintendent reacts to new Department site visits

Approximately 30 Iowa Department of Education officials and another 20-or-so consultants from the state’s Area Education Agencies descended upon a Centerville elementary school.

Centerville Superintendent Tony Ryan welcomes educators to the state’s first-ever pilot of Differentiated Accountability, a new approach to school site visits.
An intimidating image? Not to Centerville Superintendent Tony Ryan. He welcomed the sight.
Ryan’s district is the first in the state to launch into Differentiated Accountability, a system designed to replace the former mandate of on-site visits every five years by the Department. The short concept of Differentiated Accountability, or DA, is that site visits are now focused on need. If a district is performing well, it may receive no visit, enabling districts with more needs to receive more coaching.
“As with anything, there is always a bit of apprehension,” Ryan said. “It comes down to your belief statement of doing what is best for kids. And we believe if the state is going to support us in such a way, we will take the step to do what’s best for kids. In the end, we want to assure teachers that we are not doing a ‘I gotcha,’ but instead doing what’s right for kids.”

Heartland Area Education Agency’s Mark Crady tells participants what to expect in learning about Differentiated Accountability.
The Centerville schools volunteered for the pre-pilot of DA; the Carroll Community School District will go next, followed by another 40-some schools in the official pilot in the spring. The pre-pilots are designed to iron out any unexpected wrinkles in the system.
"Differentiated Accountability allows us to collectively and collaboratively improve our practice,” Mark Crady of Heartland Area Education Agency (AEA) told the Centerville gathering. “We are going to do it together.”
And that is just the point of DA: Instead of a prescriptive, top-down list of corrective actions, the school will be an active participant in determining what’s working well, what needs improvement, and how to remedy it. Site visits under DA involve a team of educators from the Department and AEAs who partner with personnel from the school.
In determining whether a school or district needs a site visit, schools throughout the state annually complete for the Department what are called desk audits in which schools submit information about their compliance with state and federal law.  Schools also submit data through the state’s early warning system on four pieces of information – known as Healthy Indicators – which are examined to determine the overall health of a school or district. The Healthy Indicators measure:
  • The percent of learners assessed with a valid and reliable universal screener, which is a system that is used to determine whether students are falling through the cracks;
  • The percent of learners not at benchmark – or where they need to be academically – who are regularly assessed with a valid and reliable progress monitoring tool;
  • The percent of learners at benchmark on a universal screening assessment; and
  • The percent of learners at benchmark remaining at or above benchmark in subsequent screening periods.
Boiled down, the Healthy Indicators measure the ability of school’s assessment system to screen students for literacy needs, monitor the progress of their students, and provide for good literacy instruction for all kids.
At the end of the visit, the Centerville team had created its own action plan:
  • Develop a better approach to including the district’s preschool partners in universal screening.
  • Create a consistent approach to interpreting data from building to building.
  • Ensure principals at the schools coordinate when assessments are taken to avoid a shortage in substitute teachers.
  • Introduce new technology into universal screening by using iPads.
  • Schedule a common time for teams to review progress monitoring data.
  • Explore implementing class-wide interventions.
  • Examine instructional practices to ensure educators are being effective in their instruction and that their instruction is aligned to the Iowa Core.

Iowa Department of Education’s Amy Williamson explains to educators the overall concept of Differentiated Accountability, a new approach to the state’s school-site visits.
What struck Iowa Department of Education’s Amy Williamson was the enthusiasm of the Centerville team.
“They already are doing some great educational practices, but they knew they needed improvement,” said Williamson, who is one of the chief architects of the state’s DA system. “They had groups of people from each building, from teachers to administrators. They had some disagreements, but worked hard to build consensus.”
Though most initially believed the four-day visit would be exhausting, by the end of the visit people wanted more.
“We had one teacher who planned on being there only two days, but she liked it so much that she ended up staying for the full four days,” Williamson said.
And Superintendent Ryan’s reaction to the visit? One word: “Fabulous.
“We thought it would go well, but it went a lot better than we could ever have dreamt. The collaboration between teachers, AEA and Department was fabulous. It was an experience that was uplifting to the staff, a morale booster.”
The perception of the visit, Ryan said, was that the collaboration created a team environment.
“We were working together rather than feeling something was ‘done to me,’” he said. “That was the big takeaway from the teachers because they felt the support was there.
“The teachers left motivated, eager and ready to go.”
The teachers themselves will create the action plan and roll it out. But first they plan to have a celebration observing the good things the district is doing.
“The teachers left inspired, and they want to take it in a positive direction and not let the momentum slip,” Ryan said.
The Centerville superintendent offered this bit of advice for other districts:
“As we move forward, I would suggest districts not to put up a defense, but seize the opportunity and tap into the AEA and the Department as a resource,” he said. “The actual experience was a positive experience focused on kids.”